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In addition to speed, intuition is committed to simplicity, hence minimalism is its best ally, making their borders difficult to separate. Minimalism is part of the strategies of analytical reasoning. Within these, and of great importance for image recognition is the so-called figurative limit. In principle, it is an algorithm that includes two variables:


1) The representation on the horizontal axis shows the image reduction process, or the perception that we make of this reduction. It begins with a reproduction very similar to reality (e.g. a photography) and continues with the elimination of constituents until the moment when continuing would imply entering the field of the symbolic. That would require the need for agreement between emissary and receiver. This border between "iconic similarity" and "symbolic arbitrariness" shall be called the figurative limit.


2) In an analogous way, we can approach the figurative limit by increasing abstraction in the reproduction of the image on the vertical axis.

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We will give every drawing in the figurative limit the name "monitos" . However, due to its wide use, it is the human figure that has appropriated this name.

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"From the drawing

from childhood…


…we cut the torso...


…and we erase

half the face"

or in another way, with a marker:


The crescent as a head allows you to indicate the direction of speech or gaze:

Habla Mirada.png

Advances in neurosciences are making the map of cerebral lateralization increasingly clear, that is, the location of specific functions in the cerebral hemispheres.

Thus, while the left hemisphere controls – among others – time, language and analytical thinking, in the right hemisphere there are located the spatial and the musical sense, the artistic sensibility and the intuition. The left particularizes, the right generalizes.


We have shown two functions, one in each hemisphere, which, in problem solving, use different strategies. To the rational strategies, the well-known algorithms, intuition opposes the so-called heuristics. Those are strategies that, although susceptible to error, achieve their objective in an immensely shorter period of time than the algorithms.




One of these strategies is inductive perception, also characterized as a type of memory called "priming". This generalization act allows us to recognize a figure from only a small percentage of its parts.

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